Programmable SMS

Programmable SMS – TheTexting

Programmable SMS – TheTexting

SMS technology is still dominating in the digital age. There are almost three times more text users as compared to any other form of communication. Smart businesses have clung on to every technological advancement in this era and the most recent one to emerge out of it was cloud technology. This uses the internet to store data and transmit information which offers businesses big advantages to enhance cloud communication. Programmable SMS is now the utmost medium of cloud communication and it provides developers with the service to programmatically send and receive SMS messages on a large scale.

Developers have expanded their clientele and improved internal communication using Application-to-Person SMS by integrating their software or web applications with a mass texting service. The integration process is completed using an SMS API which serves as a relay between the developer/sender and the mass texting service provider.  There is no need to manually login as you can send messages directly from the provider, once integration is complete.

Most companies send transactional messages using programmable SMS. These include registration confirmations, order receipts, shipping notifications and services we opt in to. Now, we can imagine how this applies to every possible service around and here are major services which can use programmable SMS:


Banking Sms

Banks can send transactional SMS to customers to pass-on necessary information in a safe and reliable way. Account holders can be notified of their account balance, latest discounts and transaction information. Banks can also use programmable SMS to send One time passwords (OTPs) to clients without having them having to physically go to the bank. Moreover, employees will be able to receive company and salary updates effortlessly.



Transportation is one of the most significant sectors of our time whether it being air, land or water. Programmable SMS is suitable for flight schedules, information about any delays, and receipts of ticket purchases. Many airlines and train companies benefit from this as it boosts communication and keeps the system updated. Even companies like Uber make use of transactional SMS to send out important information to clients such as driver information, destination, and cost. Shipping industries can use programmable SMS for logistics and shipping information.

Hotels and Restaurants

Hotels and Restaurant

Running a hotel or restaurant is not an easy task as thousands of events occur simultaneously and maintaining communication is often difficult. A well-maintained system can be potentially achieved with payment details, logistics, table booking, order and delivery management being monitored and controlled using SMS API via mass texting service provider. In conclusion, this can ensure a smooth communication bridge between sender and receiver. So book a room or tables now, ask about today’s menu and even pay in advance.



The benefits can be unlimited when it comes to the education sector. Admission alerts, payment alerts, and fee reminder alerts are examples of programmable SMS usage. Secondly, internal communication boosts up among the administration, teachers, and students. Teachers can send assignments and quiz reminders to students. The administration can notify the staff of updates. Examination schedules, holidays and library reminders can also be sent using Bulk Texting. Presently, Students are found on their cell phones most of their time and it would be actually smart to use their engagement in a positive way.

E-commerce Stores

E-commerce Stores

E-commerce stores have been a hit, especially in the 21st century. We have seen eBay, Amazon and Alibaba make a global impact when it comes convenience shopping. Smaller players have also benefited from this consumer behavior. Customers can visit these sites and save their information to receive programmable SMS of many types. These include the provision of shipping confirmation and order confirmation alerts. Millions of goods are sold every day to maintain a strong channel between seller and customer by mass texting service.

TheTexting lets you send and receive text messages right in your web applications. With some simple coding, you can get an SMS app running in a few minutes. Now you can make use of our SMS API and integrate your system in any programming language you choose like Java and C#. Today, TheTexting has emerged as one of the fastest growing mass texting providers in the world. To become a part of our texting family. Through convenient integration, you can boost your customer interaction for transactions, online payments, and lots more.


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