Number » Lookup

Provides a real time status and validity check & carrier information of a phone number.

Base URL

All requests to TheTexting must be submitted to the base URL. TheTexting provides you with an option of a response as a JSON object, or an XML string - you get to choose which response by selecting the appropriate base URL for your request.

JSON end point

XML end point

HTTP Methods

This API call uses GET method.


All requests require your API credentials (api_key & api_secret), which you can find under "API Settings" in TheTexting Dashboard.

Parameter Description
api_key Required. Your API Key. Ex: api_key=2f0ihf5656lfu03jl
api_secret Required. Your API Secret. Ex: api_secret=cluol3434qwfc0lg
to Required. Number whose details are required.


Following parameters will be returned in the response body.

Parameter Type Detail
Response object
Parameter Type Detail
international_format_number string Provided phone number in international format (E164), for example : "+19142059159"
national_format_number string Provided phone number in local format, for example : "(914) 205-9159"
phone_number_iso2_code string ISO2 country code of the provided number, for example : "US"
phone_number_type string Type of the provided number, for example : "fixed line", "mobile", "voip" etc
mccmnc* string Mobile country code and mobile network code concatenated of the provided number, for example "401223" *Not applicable for US/CA
serving_msc string Serving mobile switching center.
imsi string International Mobile Subscriber Identity, used to uniquely identify the user of a mobile network.
lookup_status string On successful lookup "No Error" will be returned. In case of error, error description will be returned.
original_carrier object
Parameter Type Detail
carrier_name string Name of the carrier provider
carrier_prefix string Carrier prefix
carrier_country_name string Name of the country, provided number belongs to.
carrier_country_prefix string Country prefix
is_ported bool True if number is ported
ported_carrier object
Parameter Type Detail
carrier_name string Name of the carrier provider
carrier_prefix string Carrier prefix
carrier_country_name string Name of the country, provided number belongs to.
carrier_country_prefix string Country prefix
is_roaming bool True if number is in roaming
roaming_carrier object
Parameter Type Detail
carrier_name string Name of the carrier provider
carrier_prefix string Carrier prefix
carrier_country_name string Name of the country, provided number belongs to.
carrier_country_prefix string Country prefix
ErrorMessage string Detailed description of error, if any.
Status int Response code for the query.

Sample Request URL (GET)

JSON Response (Success)

    "Response": {
    "international_format_number": "+19142059159",
    "national_format_number": "(914) 205-9159",
    "phone_number_iso2_code": "US",
    "phone_number_type": "fixed line",
    "mccmnc": null,
    "serving_msc": null,
    "imsi": null,
    "original_carrier": {
    "carrier_name": "TELENGY L.L.C. - NY",
    "carrier_prefix": null,
    "carrier_country_name": "United States",
    "carrier_country_prefix": null
    "is_ported": null,
    "ported_carrier": null,
    "is_roaming": null,
    "roaming_carrier": null,
    "lookup_status": "No Error"
    "ErrorMessage": "",
    "Status": 0

JSON Response (Failure)

    "Response": null,
    "ErrorMessage": "Lookup Failed. Contact support.",
    "Status": 1

Respond Codes

Code Meaning
0 Request is successful
1 Request has failed. ErrorMessage is returned for detailed description of error.
2 Parameters are missing.
3 Credentials are invalid.
4 Parameters are invalid.
5 Result has returned empty.
6 Status is invalid.